Get the Most From Your Outdoor Space


Extend the growing season with a greenhouse and grow plants you otherwise can't. Protect tender plants through the winter for a better show the following year. Get the biggest greenhouse you can because it still won't be big enough.

It's so much easier when there's somewhere for all your little plants to go in spring instead of windowsills around the house, get automatic vent openers so they can constantly change the ventilation according to the weather.

Forest 4
Forest 4' x 2' (Nominal) Timber Greenhouse (75837)

£ 315.99

Forest Forest 4
Forest Forest 4'x2' Mini Greenhouse

£ 399

Forest Forest 3
Forest Forest 3'7"x1'7" Georgian Wall Greenhouse with Auto Vent (Home Delivery)

£ 569.99

Forest Forest 5
Forest Forest 5'x2'6" Victorian Tall Wall Greenhouse

£ 679

Forest Forest Victorian 5
Forest Forest Victorian 5'x2'6" Tall Wall Greenhouse with Auto Vent

£ 699

Forest Forest Victorian 4
Forest Forest Victorian 4'x3' Walkaround Greenhouse

£ 819

Forest Forest Victorian 4
Forest Forest Victorian 4'x3' Walk Around Greenhouse with Auto Vent

£ 849

Forest Forest 6
Forest Forest 6'x4' Vale Greenhouse (Assembled)

£ 2899

Forest Forest Vale 8
Forest Forest Vale 8'x6' Greenhouse (Assembled)

£ 3399

Forest Forest Vale 10
Forest Forest Vale 10'x8' Greenhouse (Assembled)

£ 4499

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